ISO 3166-2:CN

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Amigo Anônimo

O presente texto tem o objetivo de analisar as possíveis consequências dessa desequilíbrio a partir de uma leitura do gigantismo chinês na atualidade, sua presença no território brasileiro e como se desenrolou tal impasse, desde a começo da pandemia no Brasil. A habilidade chinesa é conhecida por sua assertividade em declarações e fortes reações. The advent of covid has been provoking social and economic turmoil in the world, challenging healthcare systems and governments to face the unprecedented epidemiological crisis. In addition to the extremely complicated handling of the virus proliferation, the present moment could not be more challenging considering the commercial war between the United States and China. Amid this battle, the Brazilian unconditional alignment to the American narratives has produced, by the means of messages in social networks, the biggest diplomatic crisis ever between Bra z il and China. In this sense, the present text aims to investigate the possible consequence of this crisis based upon the of Chinese gigantism in present times, its presence in the Brazilian territory and how this crisis has unfolded since the arrival of the pandemics in Brazil. Chinese diplomacy is known for its assertiveness in its declarations and statements and strong reactions. It is too early to forecast which of them would be possible, but Chinese history, as it will be evidenced, points to possible retaliations.

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